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Sr. Sanyu inspiring Catholic Youth

Sr. Maria Goretti Sanyu was born in Kampala to Peter Kiwanuka and Dorothy Lunkuse and grew up in Bbina and Mbuya. She went to AMKA Classic Primary for her primary […]

Theology of Martyrdom with Reference to the Uganda Martyrs

Death is only useless when it is an end in itself. One of the saddest human experiences is the death of a child. Whatever age the child is, the grief […]

Corpus Christi cibus vitae

“There is nothing littler or more silent than Christ present in the host. This little piece of bread embodies the humanity and perfect silence of God, his tenderness and his […]

Grandfather Blessed me to follow my Dreams

Fr. Elias Sindjalim was born in 1971 to Mary and Rafael Sindjalim in the Parish of Paguda Maria Gorretti, Northern Togo. He belongs to the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart […]

The importance of sacrifice in African culture

Every religion has some form of sacrifice. In fact, sacrifice is the most universal of all rituals. It comes from two Latin words: sacer, which means holy, sacred or set […]

Rev. Fr. Dominic ordained New Bishop of Kotido

The day January 14th 2023 was a beehive of activities at Kotido Catholic diocese. Everyone in the Diocese was actively involved; from the priests who were preparing for the liturgical […]

My journey to Priesthood started at the Altar

The Jolly, humorous and free nature of Bishop Mathew Remigio Adam will attract you to him effortlessly. It is even more humbling if you are told he is a Bishop. […]

African Proverbs

One of the most precious aspects of African culture, which is undergoing a slow but a sure death are the proverbs. From the Latin, Proverbium, (pro and verbum), which means […]

Pope prays the rosary in Fátima with young people with disabilities

Pope Francis visited Fátima, Portugal, on Saturday morning, where he prayed the rosary with young people with disabilities. Under the canopy of Fátima’s Chapel of Apparitions, which marks the exact […]

Remembering the night the “city of Christians” fell to ISIS in Iraq

The small northern Iraqi city of Qaraqosh, with a population of 60,000, 99% of whom are Catholic, woke up nine years ago on the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014, […]