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‘God is hidden in human misery’: Pope Francis highlights dignity of migrants, prisoners

In the face of a sometimes “anesthetized,” consumerist society, we must recall the “scandal” of our Christian faith — that God became man and dwells in each of us, especially […]

St. Monica Widows: a Catholic apostolate to reduce polygamy in Kenya

An archbishop in Kenya explained to EWTN News the purpose of the Catholic apostolate “St. Monica Widows,” an initiative that aims to reduce the practice of polygamy in the African […]

Bishops in East Africa commit to creating ‘safe, nurturing church environment’ for minors

Members of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) have expressed their commitment to creating an environment that ensures the safeguarding of minors and vulnerable adults in […]

Pope Francis names young bishop to lead Agaña Archdiocese in Guam after difficult years

Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Ryan Jimenez to lead the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agaña on the island of Guam, transferring the 52-year-old Filipino from the neighboring Northern Mariana Islands. The […]

Conference in Rome highlights Pacific islands’ climate peril and calls for global action

The effect of climate change on vulnerable populations among the Pacific Island nations was the subject of “Oceania Speaks,” a conference held in Rome this week attended by the Holy […]

Christians in Egypt embark on construction of churches as persecution ebbs

Church projects that had been halted in Egypt when the northern African nation was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood are being resumed as Christians in the country begin to enjoy […]

Pope Francis unveils plan for Vatican to go solar

Pope Francis has announced measures to transition Vatican City to using solar energy as its main source of electricity, as outlined in his latest motu proprio titled Fratello Sole, or […]

Three young adult pilgrims walk from Paris to Jerusalem ‘to deepen our faith’

On Sept. 17, 2023, two sisters left Paris and walked for approximately eight months to Jerusalem. Madeleine and Marie-Liesse, 19 and 22, who grew up in a Catholic family, decided […]

From alcoholic to future saint: The inspiring conversion of Ireland’s Matt Talbot

Venerable Matt Talbot, an Irishman whose journey from alcoholism to the heights of holiness has inspired many who struggle with addiction, is being considered for sainthood in the Catholic Church.  […]

Juneteenth and the life of the first Black American Catholic priest

On June 19, the United States commemorates the anniversary of the 1865 order that gave freedom to enslaved African Americans in Texas, issued two months after the Civil War ended. […]