Duis libero enim, tempor quis nisl et, condimentum feugiat tellus. Vivamus ac congue lectus. Sed pretium a eros sit amet laoreet. Donec in eros in massa rhoncus dignissim volutpat sed […]
Fusce viverra hendrerit tincidunt. Pellentesque ut quam placerat, rhoncus magna nec, dignissim nulla. Cras tortor tortor, lobortis quis volutpat id, placerat eget ligula. Aenean congue lacus justo, eu consequat odio […]
As we celebrated our Missionary Institute’s 150th anniversary, we go down memory lane to resist deviating from the basic principles that have brought us this far. in one of his […]
Daniel Comboni was an Italian Catholic bishop who served in the missions in Africa and was the founder of both the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the […]
How is my charming and dear Erminia? What sweet and tender memories the dear thought of her I treasure in my heart awakens in me! Give her a hundred kisses and […]
Daniele Comboni was an Italian Catholic bishop who served in the missions in Africa and was the founder of both the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the […]
The two institutes which Comboni started were a direct result of a challenge which a Cardinal in charge of Propaganda Fide, the Department in Rome which dealt with the Missions, […]