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‘Holy Fire’ ceremony at Jesus’ tomb marks beginning of Orthodox Easter celebrations

Pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem on Saturday for the annual “Holy Fire” ceremony at the revered site of Jesus’ burial and resurrection, an ancient custom considered by many believers to be […]

Here are the countries that rank worst in the world in religious freedom 

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released a new report on Wednesday highlighting the countries with the worst religious persecution in the world. From this report, which is released annually, […]

Archdiocese of New Orleans suspected of child sex trafficking, warrant shows

A criminal investigation into the Archdiocese of New Orleans is based on a suspicion that it may be linked to child sex trafficking, according to allegations presented in a search warrant granted to Louisiana State Police. […]

Archdiocese of Baltimore concludes traumatic ‘listening sessions’ around restructuring plan

Hundreds of Catholic residents of Baltimore packed the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on Tuesday evening to give their often-impassioned reactions to a process that could lead to the closure […]

Latin patriarch of Jerusalem takes possession of Rome titular church after delays due to war

Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem, finally took possession on May 1 of his assigned titular church in Rome after having postponed the ceremony due to the […]

Catholic movement in Italy dedicated to people ‘far from the Church’

Across Italy there are houses of prayer run by the Ricostruttori (Reconstructors) community, a Catholic movement dedicated to people who are far from the Church but attracted to spirituality, particularly […]

Pope Francis arrives in Venice, meets with women inmates and artists

Pope Francis opened his one-day visit to Venice on Sunday morning with a meeting with female inmates where he reaffirmed the importance of fraternity and human dignity, noting that prison can be a […]

Democratic Republic of Congo bishops: Amid growth of Church ‘the Congolese state is dead’

Catholic bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have denounced the insecurity and violence in their dioceses. In their collective statement issued Sunday, […]

Pope Francis’ visit to Venice showcases art as means of encounter, fraternity 

Pope Francis had a full slate of events Sunday during his day trip to Venice, a trip that tied together a message of unity and fraternity with the artistic patrimony […]

Witness in the Arabo-Islamic Context

Imbued with its complexity, working in an Islamic nation brings with it a uniqueness that the witness of Christ needs to be an indispensable part of one’s life. Since my […]