Much anticipation surrounds what is happening on Monday afternoon, as the synod commission designated for drafting the summary document will cast votes. These results — revealing the names of commission members — could provide a sneak peek into the document’s formulation or, at the very least, hint at the overall tone of the papers and, therefore, the whole synod.As per the official calendar, two key points from the Instrumentum Laboris, the working document, are slated for discussion this week:

Section B1: “How can we be more fully a sign and instrument of union with God and unity of the human race?”Section B2: “Co-responsible for the mission” with a central inquiry: “How to share tasks and gifts in the service of the Gospel?”

The small working groups — “circoli minori” — are set to present their interventions on Oct. 11 followed by finalizing and submitting their reports to the General Secretariat on Oct. 12.