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Pro-Vicar Apostolic

The two institutes which Comboni started were a direct result of a challenge which a Cardinal in charge of Propaganda Fide, the Department in Rome which dealt with the Missions, ...


Daniele Comboni was an Italian Catholic bishop who served in the missions in Africa and was the founder of both the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the ...

Comboni and Women

How is my charming and dear Erminia? What sweet and tender memories the dear thought of her I treasure in my heart awakens in me! Give her a hundred kisses and ...

The Founder

Daniel Comboni was an Italian Catholic bishop who served in the missions in Africa and was the founder of both the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus and the ...

Mission Promoters

As we celebrated our Missionary Institute’s 150th anniversary, we go down memory lane to resist deviating from the basic principles that have brought us this far. in one of his ...

Providing Water for Farmers and serve there lifes

Fusce viverra hendrerit tincidunt. Pellentesque ut quam placerat, rhoncus magna nec, dignissim nulla. Cras tortor tortor, lobortis quis volutpat id, placerat eget ligula. Aenean congue lacus justo, eu consequat odio ...