The main objective of the center is to bridge the gap in our ministry of evangelization and provide care for our common home
To respond to the cry of the Mother Church to protect “The mother earth”, (care for common home) as directed in the Laudato Si encyclical of 2015.
To be the Leading Center that helps communities to embrace the sustainability of our common home (Mother Earth) and the protection of the environment.
LSCC will exist to prepare the community that responds sustainably to the ecological crises of our times and takes action in protecting the environment and creation.
The programs of the center will include capacity development for the members to tackle effectively the ecological and social challenges. It will promote individual and community actions toward ecology and human promotion.
Core values
- Rooted in Prayer that incorporates Creation
- Personal and Ecological conversion
- Integrity and transparency
- Justice and Peace
The following are the programs under the Laudato Si Centre – Comboni Uganda
- Community Sensitization
- Agriculture, Afforestation, and ecological leadership training.
- Youth Empowerment
- Gender transformation
- Missionary animation, vocation promotion, and promotion of the environmental-based liturgical celebration.
- Fellowship (sharing innovative ideas with other NGOs)
- Social innovation
- Promotion of solidarity
- Promotion of sustainable waste management
In collaboration with the Catholic Workers Movement, the following are the ongoing activities.
Community sensitization:
Radio talk show at Radio Maria about LSCC and its activities every 3rd Wednesday of the month; sharing about LSCC at Mbuya Parish Church after the Mass on the 23rd of April 2023, Cleaning of Mbuya Parish Church and around it on 29th April 2023.
Promotion of solidarity:
Charity outreach at NALUKOLONGO in BAKATEYAMBA’S home on 18th march 2023.
Promotion of sustainable waste management:
Provide or distribute waste containers around the Parish area in order to separate the decomposable and non-decompose wastes, the wastes that can be recycled and the ones that cannot be recycled.
CONTACT ADDRESSP.O.Box 3872. Kampala Uganda
Mobile: +256 760004331/ 775 086460 /787 392490
Email: laudotosimccj@gmail.com
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