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Brother Cosmas Ochan, a Comboni Missionary, was laid to rest at his home parish in Namokora in Kitgum District, on Wednesday 10th April. The burial marked the final chapter of his short life on earth following the declaration of his death on 7th April at Mulago National Referral Hospital due to a motor accident. At the time of his death, Bother Cosmas was pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree course at Kyambogo University and was the speaker of the Acholi Students’ Association. He was also the Executive Director of Laudato Si Center Comboni Uganda, a Catholic organization that was started in Kampala by the Comboni Missionaries in Uganda in January 2023. Laudato Si Center is an organization dedicated to promoting a cleaner environment, supporting nature conservation and mitigating the effects of climate change on vulnerable populations, LSCC coordinates initiatives for the advancement of both the environment and humankind.


Br. Cosmas Ochan Okech, was born on 17th June 1991 in a staunch Catholic family of three siblings. His parents are Catechist Anthony Okech and Mego Anek Sabina. He was baptized on 18th October 1991 and received First Holy Communion on 17th December 2006. He was confirmed on 23rd January 2009.


Coming from a profoundly Christian family, Cosmas got used to routine prayer activities to which his father, Catechist Anthony took him and the family. At home, he learnt how to pray the Rosary and other prayers which his father always emphasised. This strong Christian background would positively impact Bro. Cosmas spiritual growth.

At Namukora, he encountered many Comboni Missionaries from whom he got the inspiration of becoming a missionary himself. Bro. Cosmas began his formation in June 2013 in Layibi Brothers Postulancy. In 2016 he was admitted for Novitiate in Namugongo and made his first religious profession in 2018. Bro. Cosmas was then sent to Bogotà International Brothers Centre in Colombia to continue with his formation, which he completed in 2021. From 2021 to the time of his death, Bro. Cosmas was in Uganda, assigned to the Vocation animation house of Banda, an extension of Mbuya Community.


Bro. Cosmas had many talents. He had a special love for music and recorded some songs. One is entitled: Light this World, in which he implores the Lord to light the world darkened by many evils such as discrimination, greed, violence, killing, human trafficking, corruption, slavery etc. He also featured with Sr. Sarah Akello, CMS in the song of Dr. Ambrosoli entitled Daktar Maleng on the occasion of the beatification of Fr. Joseph Ambrosoli.

He was also a brilliant young Missionary who was passionate about environmental conservation. As a student at the university, he mobilized his colleagues to take action to protect the mother earth. He found time to reach out to students in secondary schools and pupils in Primary schools around Kampala, engaging them in activities aimed at sensitizing the people about nature conservation.

One of his last activities was when he went out to Radio Maria in Kampala with students and teachers of St. Kizito Secondary school in Bugolobi to create awareness on proper plastic waste disposal a message that reached out to hundreds of people who listen to Radio Maria. Cosmas’ special gift was in his leadership qualities that was characterized by courage, swiftness, communication skills and ability to reach out to people. With respect and humility, he would write an email, follow it up by WhatsApp message, a voice call and eventually a visit to any important person who can collaborate with him on issues of environment.

Brother Cosmas did his part as a passionate promoter of the integrity of God’s creation. He has left us with a legacy and now we have the mission to carry on the task of conserving the mother earth. He died on Divine Mercy Sunday. We commend his soul to the merciful heart of the Good Shepherd who called him to serve Him in the Religious life with the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus. May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace! Amen

Fr. John Kennedy Onaba MCCJ

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