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U.S. Catholic bishops’ conference urges Holy Week prayers for end to Israel-Hamas war 

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is asking the American faithful to pray for an end to the Israel-Hamas war during Holy Week. “Thousands of innocent people have […]

Pope Francis gives thanks to young Nigerian priests and nuns who answered God’s call

Pope Francis gave thanks on Monday for the many young Nigerians who have answered God’s call to the priesthood or religious life. In a meeting with Nigerians living in Rome […]

Palm Sunday procession in Holy Land celebrates ‘joy in being Christians’

On Palm Sunday in Jerusalem, Christians participated in the traditional procession marking the beginning of Holy Week with palm and olive branches — one of the most significant events for […]

Pope Francis takes on critics in forthcoming memoir, says he won’t be resigning

Pope Francis has no plans to resign from office — though he says some in the Church wish he would. The pontiff addresses the topic in “Life: My Story Through […]

Christians in Gaza face ‘worst period’ since start of war, report says

The pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has released a report highlighting that the Christian community in Gaza “is going through the worst period” since the start […]

Vatican seeks to break new ground in Confucian and Christian dialogue

The Vatican sponsored a dialogue in Taiwan this week as the Catholic Church prepares to release official guidelines for engagement with Confucianism, one of the most influential religious philosophies in […]

Study groups to examine 10 Synod on Synodality themes through June 2025

Church experts will meet in study groups to examine the question of women deacons and other key topics through June 2025 — well beyond the Oct. 27 conclusion of the […]

South Sudan bishop: Our people ‘on brink of destitution, slowly perishing’

The people of God in South Sudan are in urgent need of external support, the president of the Integral Human Development Commission of the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SCBC) has […]

Archbishop of Port-au-Prince: ‘There is real danger of civil war in Haiti’

The archbishop of Port-au-Prince and president of the Haitian Bishops’ Conference, Max Leroy Mésidor, shared his perspective on the difficult situation facing his country and the pastoral work of the […]

Vatican’s Venice Biennale pavilion leads visitors in Catholic tradition of visiting prisoners

Visiting prisoners is one of the Catholic Church’s corporal works of mercy originating with Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Matthew: “I was in prison and you visited me.” All […]