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Ash Wednesday: Leave the ashes on or wash them off?

At the Mass that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, which serves as preparation for Easter, the priest and the ministers who assist him say one of two […]

Pope Francis on Ash Wednesday: ‘Let us return to God with all our heart’

On Ash Wednesday, Pope Francis said that Lent is a time to look inward at our true selves and to share our deepest desires, worries, and weaknesses with the Lord […]

100 cloistered convents in Spain to open their doors to promote prayer during Lent

The DeClausura Foundation in Spain has launched a campaign to promote prayer during the liturgical season of Lent with the theme “Slow Down. Stop. Pray” as part of the Year […]

Notre Dame cathedral spire to be unveiled nearly 5 years after devastating fire

The unveiling process for the newly rebuilt spire of Paris’ legendary Notre Dame Cathedral began this week, with the process expected to be completed in time for the 2024 Paris […]

Laudato Si’ Symposium

EMBRACING AFRICAN WISDOM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Laudato Si’ Center Comboni Uganda, in collaboration with the Catholic Workers Movement of Mbuya Parish hosted a symposium on September 30th, 2023 to celebrate […]

Testimonies from Witnesses in Kanlongo

After two years of waiting and postponement due to the pandemic, the beatification of Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli will be celebrated on November 20th, 2022 in Uganda where the medical missionary […]

Living in the Same house as Blessed Ambrosoll

Fr. Joseph Ambrosoli is a contemporary figure whom l have been fortunate to experience. Although l never got the chance to meet him face-to- face, it is evident that Fr […]

The Healing Man of God

Traces of Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli’s Saintliness I first saw very much in passing, Fr. Giuseppe Ambrosoli in 1973. At that time, I had already joined the Seminary of the Apostles […]

Corpus Christi cibus vitae

There is nothing littler or more silent than Christ present in the host. This little piece of bread embodies the humanity and perfect silence of God, his tenderness and his […]


The Comboni Missionaries in Uganda have launched a new initiative; the Laudato Si Centre – ComboniUganda (LSCC) under the theme: Together for our Environment. The LSCC is established to coordinate […]