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Ukrainian archbishop says same-sex blessings document doesn’t apply to Eastern Churches

The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said Friday that the Vatican’s recent declaration on non-liturgical same-sex blessings does not apply to the Eastern Catholic Churches.  Major Archbishop Sviatoslav […]

St. Januarius’ blood miraculously liquifies again in Naples

The Archdiocese of Naples, Italy, announced that the miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius was repeated Saturday at the end of a Mass honoring him as […]

Vatican declaration does not change Church teaching on marriage

A Vatican-issued declaration on blessing “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations” does not change the Catholic Church’s teaching that marriage is between a man and a woman, according […]

Christian population shrinking in China amid ‘crackdown’

The size of the Christian population in China has leveled off after the dramatic increases of the 1980s and 1990s, according to a Pew Research Center analysis released this week.This […]

How to pray the 300-year-old ‘Christmas novena’

An Italian priest named Father Charles Vachetta is credited with writing a novena in 1721 to inspire his parishioners during Advent. Today, that novena is known as the “Christmas novena.” […]

Vatican unveils Nativity scene honoring St. Francis of Assisi and devotion’s 800-year-old origin 

The Vatican unveiled its annual Nativity scene earlier this evening, paying special tribute to the origins of the beloved tradition on its 800th anniversary.  The scene in St. Peter’s Square […]

Orphan rescued by Mother Teresa promotes cause of Minnesota nun 

Pointing toward the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto at the Saint Benedict Monastery cemetery in St. Joseph, Minnesota, 61-year-old Patrick Norton recounts the day 13 years ago when he was […]

Cardinal Sarah addresses First African Congress on liturgy

The emphasis of cultural elements over Christian ones during liturgical celebrations is a distortion of the paschal mystery that defines the liturgy, Cardinal Robert Sarah has said.  In his homily during the […]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Through silence and prayer, we make space for Jesus

Pope Francis highlighted the importance of listening to God by embracing the example of John the Baptist, “the voice of one crying in the desert,” during his Angelus message on the […]

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